The movie couples should watch

I personally recommend you to watch Fireproof together with your husband or wife. It will help you to save your marriage and to avoid divorce. You will learn more how to treat your husband and wife better and how to have a wonderful life together. It's not too late to start all over again. Every marriage is worth saving. I hope you'll watch it. You can watch Fireproof's trailer and some of it's parts here in my blog. Learn and enjoy! Click here to watch the movie..

5 Tips To Save Your Marriage

Saturday, September 5, 2009

There are ways of saving your marriage before it starts

One way of saving your marriage before it starts is to build a hedge of protection around your new relationship. What not all newlyweds realize is that it’s important to protect your marriage from outside influences that have the power to undermine all of the love and hard work you are bringing to your growing relationship. Here are three ways of saving your marriage before it starts:

Saving your marriage before it starts: Step 1 – Communicate

Saving your marriage before it starts begins with you two talking about what you expect from each other and from yourselves. How will you each protect your marriage, and what would you like to ask each other to do? For example, are there certain behaviors you want to highlight that make you somewhat uncomfortable because of the temptation they present? Just brainstorm together about ways you can guard yourselves and your marriage and fully live out your commitment to each other. That’s the first step of saving your marriage before it starts.

Saving your marriage before it starts: Step 2 – Pledge

The second suggestion for saving your marriage before it starts is to write a pledge to each other about what you will each do, personally, to protect your marriage from infidelity. Write them out and verbally commit to acting on your pledge. (A quick note of caution here: be realistic as you choose the pledges you make to each other. For example, it’s not going to be possible to avoid ever talking to someone of the opposite sex. But you can promise to avoid saying anything that could be construed as flirtatious, or as critical of your mate.)

Saving your marriage before it starts: Step 3 – Live your commitment

Saving your marriage before it starts is ultimately about putting into practice what you’ve communicated and pledged to each other. Yes, communication and promises are important in a new marriage. But ultimately, saving your marriage before it starts comes down to the decision and your ability to actually live out the vows you’ve made to each other. So right now, as you begin this most-important of relationships, make the decision that your vows are a sacred duty that you will uphold day by day, and moment by moment. Then you’ll be well on your way to saving your marriage before it starts.

Save your marriage before it starts, talk about your problems, open communication is the key. Remember that you have your vow, so make sure that, that vow will not be broken. Do it for your self, your husband and for your children. If you have problems, talk about it now!

Resources of How To Save Your Marriage

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